May 31, 2008

Day 147

Well, it's not a drawing for drawing's sake... it's a sketch for a lil' platform to keep the doggies off the wet patio when it rains, which is seen in progress below...

ink and pen for the sketch. 2x3's, 2x6's, 1 1/4 #6 drywall screws, plated nails, clamps, cordless drill, skilsaw and angle grinder for the platform (so far).

Here it is stained and varnished.


Joseph Lee said...

Looks like you got it all figured out Al. You're a genius! ;)

Keith Conroy said...

That is a fairly nice array of wooden planks.

Albert said...

Dear Keith,

I saved one plank that's just about the right size for...


Keith Conroy said...

Heh Heh, I couldn't help myself, we recently constructed a similar engineering marvel for the backyard, something to step down from the door onto or to retreat up from a nasty squall.
Bravo, don't forget the water seal.

Anonymous said...

Wow...great handiwork...your services are now needed at 611 Gayley Avenue in Westwood.